A) The State of Colorado is missing the boat with this semi, quasi-legal pot situation.
We Coloradoans voted twice to legalize pot in all of the counties in our state. Our elected officials were supposed to enable us to legally grow, harvest and ingest pot. But what they’ve actually done is to only allow large corporate grow operations to operate. We, the Colorado citizens ought to be able to grow our own Home Stash of marijuana in our own backyards…outdoors in the sunlight. Also, we ought to be able to smoke pot somewhere! When this country over-turned the alcohol prohibition, it wasn’t this complicated or as over-regulated and micro-managed as this.
B) De-fund the DEA.
The DEA just announced last week that it was leaving marijuana on the D.D. list as a category 1 dangerous drug along with heroin! Say what? That is utter nonsense. Marijuana should not be on that dangerous drug schedule at all. Alcohol and tobacco should be on that list, next to heroin.
So, we in Colorado have so much more work to do. We have to figure out who to vote for…for state, county representatives and especially for the various city councils. So far, the politicians in this state have chosen to clamp down on pot through over zealous regulations. These people do not believe in marijuana or the future of marijuana. Various city councils are trying to re-illegalize pot. We cannot let these power hungry folks take us backward into the past.
Now I admit there have been some problems with this “legal pot experiment”,
a) difficult to get property insurance.
b) No Federally funded grants for marijuana research.
c) No banking services such as no company loans and difficulty with employer paychecks. Cannot deposit cash receipts.
d) It adversely affects doctors who prescribe our medical cards as well as at the VA.
e) Stocks? No help from Wall Street.
f) No ability to have patents and trademarks.
For one thing, as long as the Feds drag the DEA feet on de-listing pot, there are no banking services. Our Colorado dispensaries have trouble with getting loans; also troubles with getting paychecks for their employees. This remains a CASH business and so some dispensaries have large amounts of CASH laying around. No checks or credit cards…only cash. No banks will take their deposits. Hmm, sounds dangerous. When will the future catch up to us. Dispensaries have to have cameras and armed security guards inside their doors. Even though that is a real turn off (for me), it has to be this way for now.
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C) Safety
Two more problems: amateur BHO blasting and home electrical fires. Folks, if you are not a certified propane or butane pot extractor then don’t do it. Leave that good stuff for the big boys. These Colorado grow ops have the correct stainless steel machinery to safely make all the dab materials you’ll ever want. Also, your home was not…is not wired to handle the heavy electrical usage that you’ll be paying for if you try to become an in-home green house. Lights, ballasts, fans, mister, CO2, heating and cooling apparatus require special, heavy duty up to date electrical wiring throughout the greenhouse you’ll be living in. Also, just wait till the authorities find out that they can take your children away from you for having an unsafe living environment. Do you really want to try to eat and sleep in a greenhouse that has pesticides, fertilizers, wet soil, high humidity and ??… I’ve tried it…didn’t like it. Pot should be grown outdoors in the Colorado sunlight. Please don’t burn down your house trying to grow a small marijuana crop. It really is cheaper to go to a dispensary to buy your meds than it is to build a grow room in your basement or attic.
D) Vote
If we can find pot-friendly candidates to vote for, say for your city council, then we can effect change.
My wife and I need to be allowed to grow our own inexpensive Home Stash, our twelve plants outside on our own property in the actual daylight. This way I can conduct genetic experiments on my meds as I grow a small crop of inexpensive Home Stash. When I want a change-up, I’ll go to Verde or Karmaceuticals and purchase some flower bud. It doesn’t matter to me if my home grown stash isn’t 26% THC or if it is the latest flavor or strain.
In the near future, Nebraska, Kansas, New Mexico etc…will have laws that will allow those good folks to grow their own pot. Then there will be NO LEAKAGE of Colorado pot to other states. And you wise guys wont be able to make $$$ growing pot here and selling Colorado pot to persons in Iowa or Nebraska or Illinois. Depends on when those out of state folks decide to grow up and join the future.
E) By the way:
Why can’t we go to our favorite local dispensary to buy actual Jamaican pot? or pot from Nepal or Vietnam?? Why can’t Colorado grow ops sell Colorado grown pot to dispensaries in Illinois or Jamaica or in Hawaii? Colorado could have a wealthy future.
And lastly, where is the promotion of HEMP? This state ought to fund HEMP, big time. Canada is way ahead of Colorado as far as hemp production goes. So as far a hemp production and fabrication goes, Colorado is a decade behind the future. Hemp can be blended with cotton, rayon, bamboo…to make clothes. Hemp has 100s of uses. Hemp is the future, and Colorado is way behind in this agriculture area. The future should be NOW.
I guess the politicians enjoy the marijuana tax revenue, but they do not believe in pot. And so we will stay in this quasi, sort-of-legal marijuana situation for the near future. With one foot in the PAST, the people of Colorado have some decisions to make about the future.
I’ve gotta go smoke a joint and calm down.