I know that this is a difficult subject for so many of us, but I don’t want us to lose our hard fought for freedom to grow and smoke pot. Make sure you register to vote (if you haven’t already done so) and then go do this.
Who to vote for? That is the question. We need to vote for pro-marijuana candidates up and down the ballot. Easier said than done. All the conservatives (republicans) are bad for us. Each one will work to take away our rights and freedoms. There is not a new, kinder, gentler republican politician. That guy is a liar. Please do not vote for any republicans, not even for dog catcher. These politicians are acting in favor of big oil, big banks, big insurance, big pharma, big military. These republicans politicians will do their best to squash you and me and our new marijuana industry. Folks, both-way Bob will over-regulate our home-grows as well as our marijuana grow operations. I would vote for Dunafon if he had any chance at all. However, if I (we) vote for Mike Dunafon and Robin Roberts, that will hand the governorship over to that hard-ass Bob B. I cannot do that. As much as I distrust the current Mayor of Denver and State Governor, I’ll once again vote strait Democrat on my ballot this November 3rd. The political deck of cards is stacked, what with this two-party system that hardly allows any variety or dissent.
The only way we got quasi-legal pot use was because we went around the two party system and simply voted PRO-POT with two initiatives – Amendment #20 and State Constitutional Amendment #64. By the way, as I read through the Colorado Medical Marijuana Code, I see that in Part 10 of this code there is a Sunset Review article repeal coming up on July 1, 2015. Who do you want to be in charge of this review procedure? Bob B. or John Hickenlooper? While Hick does not like pot (he’s a gas-n-oil man who likes alcohol) but at least he won’t shoot the goose that lays the golden eggs. Section 12-43.3-1001 Sunset Review is in the current Colorado Medical Marijuana code, Part 10. Even though the republicans couldn’t undo the Colorado State Constitution amendments #20 or #64, they actually could gut the spirit of the new laws and turn the screws so tight that the pot industry would implode.
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Now, finally, we are able to do real research on the beneficial effects of marijuana. Research and development of (non-pharma) medicines that can help the masses of people who need it.Marijuana is an anti-inflamatory, as well as being a calming effect for epileptics and others. Marijuana is favorable to our auto immune systems. This means that pot can be of help to people who have arthritis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and frankly, it helps me to think clearly, to get my thoughts together. Pot helps me find my “center”. Pot helps military vets cope with civilian life. Many scientists and doctors have seen cannabis extract actually cure basal and squamous cell cancers.
We must allow citizens to grow their own self-use pot and we must encourage R-n-D of medical pot and marijuana products. We must go forward into an enlightened future, not turn around and go backwards into the dismal past.