Ladies and Gentlemen…Start your engines. It’s March 1st, 2014 and I’m going to resume writing my advice columns again on growing marijuana outside. As soon as the night time low temps stay above 39˚, then we outdoor growers can get busy. The young sprouts cannot withstand temps lower than 39˚ or 40˚ at night.
We are getting 11 1/3 hours of sunlight now and it is steadily increasing. By mid June, we’ll be getting 15 1/2 hours of sunlight during the day. That is FREE, non-polluting good old fashioned SUNLIGHT. During March I’ll be cleaning the plastic/vinyl barrels, turning the compost piles, putting my seed-stock together, etc. Also gotta get my germination station put together. I like expandible pellets, seed starter soil, and I like to label everything…strain and dates. Check the shed and see what fertilizers are leftover from last year. I’ll peruse all my various marijuana books, including my own, start thinking about security issues as well as genetic aspirations (seed stock).
At any rate, as an outdoor grower, it is too cold to bother with germinating yet. I’m still “testing” the pot that I grew last season. It’s a tuff job…but somebody has to do it, so I get to do it. It is legal now, you know? At least as long as no one sees me, hears me or smells me doing it. This is an odd kind of “legal”.
This whole marijuana industry is the most OVER-taxed and OVER-regulated industry in this state. I wish the Petro-Chem-Fracking industry was as “well regulated”.
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Two months into Colorado retail pot sales and the world has NOT come to an end. We have Medical pot sales for over a decade and we are now learning of marijuana’s many medical used. Folks, please act in responsible manner when using erb. Please do not allow your kids or pets to get into your stash or eat your edibles. The new “responsible adult” will lock-up his/her alcohol, guns and marijuana…make it unavailable to kids and guests.
While the politicians and the strait-cats run around squeaking like frightened geese…we marijuana users sit at home, happy, mellow and comfortable. While the strait-cats worry about what other people in other states may think about us Coloradoans, I just smoke another joint, pick up my guitar and play. Meanwhile, Hick and all the Denver City Council people try to divey up all the expected tax revenue. All of this strait-cat consternation makes me smile. I just gotta say this…smoke a joint and calm down.
So…I’ll be writing/posting this drivel on this web site. All of you are invited to visit my web-site and please do ask me questions. The next big challenge during March is to obtain marijuana seeds and germinate them. You’ll have to then transfer the germinant sprout to a larger container, very carefully. Lets wait a while however and watch the long range weather forcast. Stay in touch.