Now I read that Danny D. says to throw away any one-leaf or 3-leafed plants as they might go Hermy on you. I say throw those pot plants my way. One-leaf and 3- leaf plants, in my opinion, have been heavily cross bred and may look funny but are just fine. There have been hippies playing with these plants genetics for 40 or 50 years by now. Also the corporates are breeding and crossing pot plants for at least 6 or 8 years and so now our collective seed stock has been somewhat modified towards early maturity and lots of terpene production. I have found that these odd looking plants grow out of the one or three fingered leaves stage as they get older and normalize to 5 fingered leaves after a while. These plants grow big and strong and have lots of frost on ‘em by late September, just like any pot plant. Any plant can go Hermy on you. This year, my buddy had a beautiful bushy Chem Dawg that just went Transvestite over night. It had large 5 and 7 fingered leaves and has looked to be a big bushy female for 4 1/2 months. A couple days ago it showed that it was very much a boy… had balls on every branch. We removed it from the garden. There is no part of a male pot plant that I want to smoke.
You and I and my buddies do not have the time, energy or money to waste by throwing away (non-corporate looking) pot plants. I believe that these odd looking
(one and three leaf) pot plants have have been bred, crossed, re-crossed etc. so many times that the plant itself doesn’t know what it is. But as it matures, if it goes female, it’ll be a nice big frosty lady come harvest time, just like any other pot plant.
As the girls mature… they seem to go into slow motion. I am ready to start this years’ harvest but none of the plants in my management are anywhere near ready to be clipped on. As the individual flower buds increase in size, they fill in all along the stems, forming big long colas or hand grenades on a stick. The flower buds want to get pollinated and so they are growing more and more Male Pollen Attractants (THC-CBD). Inside those buds the plant is growing miniature leaves upon which to grow even more THC glands, frost.
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In another 6 to 8 weeks it should all be harvested, bagged and tagged. I hope to be sampling the different varieties by Thanksgiving.
PS… The corporate scientists are now mapping out the marijuana genome so that one day we will be able to grow a specific plant for our specific needs, such as rest, energy, pain management, creativity, PTSD remediation, etc.