It’s time to bloom

It’s high time for us to fertilize with bloom booster (low nitrogen, high phosphates…) if you haven’t started already. The days are getting shorter, the nights cooler. We have between 6 weeks and 9 weeks until harvest. It is time to bloom! Especially if you are growing in the high mountains or even the foot hills, you may only have 5 weeks until it is way too cold at night to maintain your outdoor gardens. It’s the second half of August and the night time low temps can get down to 27˚, low enough to cause damage to your girls. We now want our girls to flower up, form buds, for four to eight weeks.

Now is also a good time to take your scissors out to your garden. Cut off all of those yellow leaves and all the big or standard size leaves that are worn out. If they have holes or wind damage, cut them off. As you are looking closely at the interior of the plants, try to discern which of the branches/twigs is a “sucker twig”, and cut it out. We don’t want a bunch of thin, bare twigs growing up thru the middle of the plant. These sucker twigs are just too much weight and take up too much of the plant’s energy as well as sucking up the sunlight. We do want air and sunlight getting into the center of our plants. Molasses is often a good thing to add the bloom booster fertilizer at this time.

I reckon that we here in Denver County will have some difficult weather over these next 6+ weeks. Those of you who live north, south or east of us have already gotten clobbered by rain, hail and strong wind. So, folks, you’ll have to be thinking of a way to protect your girls. A hard hail storm can strip your plants and can literally knock them senseless. We are now in the home stretch. Don’t let mother nature slip you the fickle finger of fate. Be ready and be prepared for bad weather; it is coming.

If you are going to try to pollinate one of your girls…do it now. Your girls should be showing those white pistels, and should soon be ready to receive pollen if not already. I’ve been harvesting/collecting pollen from those darn males. When I want to, I can fertilize one of the females with that powder. Just do one branch and then mark it with a bread-loaf tie. Write down what you did and what color tie was used. Then during the harvest, you’ll have to set that branch aside and deal with it seperately. Those seeds, if any were produced at all, will be a new hybrid…your own. Next season you can germinate and grow those that “go female”. If you simply pollinate, say an indica with the same indica, you are back-crossing, or stablizing the breed. This is what you’ll do when you have developed or found a kind of plant (genetics) that you want to keep. When you come across a particular kind of pot you like, go for it next season and grow 6 of them. I seem to always grow 6 different kinds of pot every year. You can purchase clones at about half of the medical dispensaries in Colorado. You can buy AK-47, Purple this and that, Durban, California Blue or Orange…etc. The only thing I’ll tell you about clones is that they are not as hardy outdoors in March, April, May…and they do not have the energy or vibrancy of seed-grown plants as they do not have the seed or the tap-root. Also, some growers have developed “auto-flowering” seeds or clones. These tend to go male or female early and then flower-up right away. If you are an outdoor gardener, these will be dissapointedly small, yielding only about 1 1/2 ounces of dry bud for each plant. Another thing about clones that you buy, often they were grown under 18+ hours of light. As soon as you set them outside (in April lets say) they will go into bloom because the actual light is only 10 1/2 or so hours per day. You’ll have a single, 1 foot tall plant. When new clones are grown under a 12 hours on, 12 hours off light schedule, they will transplant to the outdoors nicely.

CO2 is used in greenhouses or indoor grow operations as a foliar fertilizer. It really works. Now, outdoors what you do is put fans on your girls. By pushing more air past your plants, you’ll increase the amount of CO2 that is available to them. I don’t bother doing this. In 40 years growing pot…never felt the need to put electric fans outdoors. Haven’t been dissatisfied with the results, so far either.  On the Colorado Front Range, we have plenty of windy, blustery evenings.

What you might think about doing next year is buying a water tank to hold and condition your gardens water. Put a fish tank oxygenator into the tank. It’ll help to drive out the chlorine that the city puts into our drinking water. More so, it’ll put oxygen into the plants irrigation water that will go straight to the roots where it will be appreciated.

I have had a couple plants ‘go male’ during the 1st two weeks of August! This really sucks…makes me re-think the ‘growing from seed strategy’. Plants that turn male during the 2nd half of July are irritating. Plants that turn male in August are just a dead-loss, as it is too late now, to start over with a 5 inch clone, let alone a seed germinant.

Over the next 5 to 8 weeks, we want flowers to grow and get thick and form colas. Then we will begin a selective harvest of those colas that are ready to clip off. Then we’ll be trimming these buds off from the twig…ending up with 3 piles on the table.

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  3. bud trimmings that do have sugary trichomes
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Start collecting good, clean, sharp scissors. You’ll be needing a stack of lunch bangs and/or brown paper grocery bags. Lastly, you’ll be needing many, many large glass jars with screw-on lids.

You can do this.

So, use bloom booster now through early September and then just plain water for 2 or 3 weeks.

If you have questions or need me to clarify something, use the reply button.

Audios, amigos.