The repub’s are water boarding the people of America. Are you earning enough money to be considered in the top 5%? Neither am I. The conserv’s and repub’s are only representing the uppermost 5% of Americans. The rest of us (95%) are being terrorized economically every couple months…in effect, thrown under a bus again and again. Those repub pols need to go without their whiskey and instead smoke a joint and sit down calmly and think things over. The repub’s ought to know already (study history) that you cannot cut your way to prosperity. The rocky path to austerity goes in the opposite direction as the road to any semblance of prosperity.
The repub’s are holding this country hostage to their own selfish aims. In this country, the minority political party rules by filibuster and obstruction. What is wrong with this picture? For the past decade, a 51% of majority does not rule. For some reason, it takes a consensus of 60% or more to form policy. What’s wrong with this picture?
People, you need to learn to grow marijuana now, while it is LEGAL. This opportunity could all go away in 3 or 4 or 5 years. Let’s hope not.
The repub’s work hard for big oil, big pharma, tobacco: not for me and you. These industries do not like marijuana as a new force to compete with.
You cannot cut your way to prosperity…please don’t go without your medicines. Learn to grow what your can…grow what you need, use what you have grown to save money. This is the road to self-sufficiency.
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Lets hope that amendment 64 sticks. I am certain that it will take 3 or 4 years for the dust to settle. We’ll need to hear the right things from the federal government. Lets hope they don’t sue the state of Colorado over amendment 64.
Also, lets hope there’s no thefts from home gardens. Let us hope that there are no incidents of people driving badly while high on erb. However, I hope that the pols at the statehouse don’t tax pot too high or establish the 5 nanogram driving limit which is too low.
If more and more states vote to legalize the use of marijuana, I hope that everyone in every state and city, on every block will grow 6 to 12 plants…thereby making pot too common to steal.
One last thought. I hope that the repubs in this state do not get the chance to corporatize the current dispensary system. If Colorado ends up with state run or corporate dispensaries, they will control/limit the quality. Folks, you need to learn how to grow high quality marijuana NOW. We are going to need all of the good erb we can grow for ourselves.