First things first: We all need to let our local and state politicians hear our voices. We all need to tell the federal politicians what it is we want from them. Our federal politicians have to remove marijuana from the dangerous drug list. Why isn’t alcohol or tobacco on that list along with heroin? Tobacco is a poison…pot is not.We have to let our state and local politicians know that we want to grow our own home- stash of pot at home in our own backyards…in the plain air…out in the open using free sunlight. We need to let our city councils know that we want to be able to grow at least 10 plants for each adult in the house. We do not want to be forced into going to a corporate dispensary…forced to buy their factory-grown pot and forced into paying such high taxes for our medicine. Colorado right now, has a quasi-legal marijuana situation that’s better than it used to be 15 years ago. But Colorado has a long way to go to make things right. Colorado politicians have to embrace this new marijuana experiment and stop trying to re-criminalize it by over-regulating it. The local politicians and city councils have to tell the Permit and Zoning boards to allow us home owners and citizens to grow our own pot in our own backyards using the sun. If we are forced into building grow rooms into our homes or garages…it is way too expensive and too complicated. Also, you’ll be a janitor then, not a farmer. Your indoor grow, with only 3 plants in bloom, will never pay for itself nor will you ever be satisfied. So, tell your favorite politician that if they want our vote, listen to us.
Okay, now I’ll get down off my soapbox. Your plants are hopefully probably in full- fledge bloom. This means that your girls are trying to get pregnant, to attract any male pollen that might be in the air. Marijuana females stop putting all their energies into growing plant structure and instead put all their energies into growing pistil and ovaries. These clear white “hairs” form up in dense clusters which become buds. Marijuana plants will grow sugars on and around these clumps of pistils…sticky pollen-catching hairs. Since we are growing sinsemilla, we do not want our girls to get pollinated. This will drive the girls into a frenzy. They will go into over- drive growing sugars. These sugars are full of THC and CBN, etc. This is what we have been waiting for since March or April. The two main factors that cause this over-drive are (a) the length of daylight (b) the fertilizer ratio (high P). The plants still need both (N) and (K) nitrogen and potash, but it’s the phosphorus (P) that kicks them into gear. Using a commercial fertilizer works fine… use a bloom booster not a vegetation blend. I’ve used powdered bone meal on the girls by putting two teaspoons of bone meal powder around the outside circumference of the container. Sorry about that last sentence. Put two spoons full of the powder around the stem of the plant, but not on the stem. Then water it in. Your girls need a lot of water at this point in their lives. Along with bone meal I’ll use a commercial bloom booster fertilizer at 1/2 dosage. I’ll use this “1/2” dose fertilizer mix every 4 or 5 days. Some of these gals use up to 3 gallons of water every day, too. All they really need is water, sunlight and privacy now.
I usually figure that the longer the plant grows, the more hi-quality buds I can coax out of it. I don’t like to cut entire plants down at harvest. However sometimes it is a weather issue. I like to trim off those outside buds that are really ready to be harvested. When the creamy white pistils turn tan or red and then wrinkle, at that point the bud has stopped being viable, meaning that is no longer growing pollen- catching sugars. As the farmer, you have to make a decision and be able to live with it. You can usually give those outside buds a couple of more days and nights to mature…but it really is up to the skill and experience of the farmer. When you do clip off a twig with a couple colorful buds…you are letting sunlight into the interior of that plant, which is a good thing because that allows those other, interior pistils/buds to get direct sunlight on them, so that they too, will plump up. Flower buds go thru a period of “plumping and swelling”. This is when you’ll get big dense buds. This being early September you’ll want your girls to simply keep on keeping on. Fresh air, lots of sunlight, low dosed of fertilizer, lots of water and they will be fine. I believe it is too early to think about a harvest. You’ll be cutting off any yellow or brown leaves, and cutting off any damaged leaves. You can add sugar to the plants’ water or use molasses. Your girls can use the energy.
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You’ll want to look ahead at the weather. At some point in time you’ll have to quit using any fertilizer on the girls, only fresh water. You’ll want this period (called the flush) to last from 14 days up to 20 days before you harvest. You’ll want to flush out all of the salts from the fertilizer before you harvest , cure and smoke your pot.
You have, maybe 3 weeks and maybe longer, perhaps 6 more weeks until you cross the finish line at harvest. And please, do not forget to vote for a pro-pot candidate.