As the night time temps start to drop, the soil in the containers does too. At these lower soil temps there is less nitrogen up-take for our marijuana plants. But if you continue to add more and more N, your soil will get “locked-up”, that is the available nutrients will not be available to the plants because it’ll be out of balance. So, if you do not use a PH meter, just be very careful to avoid over fertilization. Since you used real good soil when you started all this 5 months ago you probably do not have to use a lot of nutrients or fertilizers. You cannot go wrong with using clean, fresh water.
Keep clipping off all the dying leaves, large or regular sized. If you reckon that a leaf is taking more from the plant that its giving to the plant, clip it off.
Also, try to water less. As the days shorten and cool off the girls need a little less water than the amount they got in late July. I’m putting a gallon or 1 1/2 gallons into each container in the a.m., then letting them dry out. I don’t want them to be soggy overnight. I’ll fertilize one more time (yesterday) and then do a 3 week flush procedure. More on this later. Once a week I add a big coffee cup of sugar to the watering bucket.
- Keep “friends” out of your garden.
- Clip off old leaves, dying leaves.
- Water thoroughly and then let them dry out at night
- Have patience – Allow enough time for plumping and swelling of buds.
- Prepare for the coming bad weather.
- Clear the decks for harvest. Time, space and effort.
- Keep gates closed and locked.
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From experience I know that we’ll have about 3 more weeks of outdoor “growing weather” unless you can protect your plants from the cold temps, hail, heavy rains and strong winds. If you can throw a tent up over your garden, you’ll be able to baby them along until the end of October. It depends on how much work you want to put into this. My Indica girls should be ready for harvest in another 3 or 4 weeks. As usual, my Sativas will take every last day they can possibly get, hopefully all the way till the end of October. Most years I wish I had another week to grow to full maturity for my Sativa girls.
To answer some questions I’ve gotten…I try to de-chlorinate the water I put in the plants’ containers because I don’t want to kill off the worms and mealy bugs that live in the soil. Pot plants can withstand a moderate amount of chlorine.
When my light activated motion sensor senses the plants waving in the breeze, it goes on. This is a hassle for me because I have to get up in the middle of the night to change the angle of the motion detector. And that light going on and off all night will attract attention., And while my girls are flowering up, I want very dark nights.
After 90 years of marijuana suppression, it’s only been in these past 10 years or so of legality, that this explosion of innovation could happen. The various attempts at research and development have led to many a new business, many of which are truly medical. There now are several different ways to make hash…now it’s called extractions or concentrates. Now there is the glass industry. The edibles industry has come up with numerous food items that we had never seen before. I’m hearing numbers like 25 thousand people employed in Colorado directly because of our MMJ industry. It is an exciting time for us pot smokers in Colorado. Folks, you have to go register to vote. In early November we get the chance to help influence the direction of our new rights- freedoms -responsibilities. If the republicans had been in control over the past several years we would NOT have this opportunity. We would not have this freedom to grow our own pot, at home. We would have to go back to buying our medicine from some Mexican drug cartel guy. No thanks.
Don’t be complacent. We all have to go out and vote. Vote for politicians who support our ability to grow and smoke pot. I’m telling you this…republicans will roll back our hard won freedoms. All the republicans who are running for jobs (from state senate to city councils) will put the clamps on you and me. They would definately turn the screws on our dispensary grow ops in their attempt to grind us into the ground. Democrats are way more likely to go along with the people’s marijuana choices. But the republicans DO NOT like this marijuana stuff going on. They would make it very restrictive on all of us. Now is not the time to drop the ball. Find out what your local city council hopefuls think about us growing our own smoke. We all have to vote en mass to show the polls that we are an aware, solid voting block not to be taken lightly.