At its longest, in the middle of summer, late June actually, we have 15 hours of daylight. Now, here we are, mid December we see that the shortest day of the year gives us only 9 hours, 20 minutes of sunlight. Thats quite a swing.
Our girls can feel this decreasing amount of light every day. This is the key to growing sensimillia marijuana. You can either grow indoors in a totally controlled indoor environment or you can grow outdoors and use your knowledge of how the solar seasons work. Or, you can buy “auto flowering” seeds or clones. Auto-pot will go into its flowering stage automatically about 4 to 6 weeks after it germinates. So, folks, if you choose to grow auto flowering pot plants, you’ll want to get as much vegetative growth as possible as soon as your germinants get roots under them. Get as much growth as you can out of your young auto flowering plants; hit them with 20-0-10 or 24-8-16 fertilizer…high nitrogen with some (k) for the roots. I’m told that these (new to me) autos will flower up and be ready to harvest in 4 1/2 months from germination. Hmm, we’ll see about that. I’ll be growing one or two autos next season along with some non auto flowering “early” girls.
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You who live up in the Colorado mountain valleys might be interested in growing plants that will fully mature in only 4 1/2 months. They may not grow very big, but if you can get a mature crop of nice buds, well…according to Constitutional Amendment #64, sections #3b, 3c and #3d, every adult citizen of the state of Colorado has the right to grow 6 marijuana plants. In this way, we can lawfully avoid paying the exorbitant pot taxes. You can do this.