I remember when Frank Zappa said “Hi guy, wanna die? Do speed. It’ll rot your liver, rot your teeth, rot your kidneys, rot your brain. In other words it’ll make you just like your parents (cuca racha).” Well, I totally agree with Frank, and I want to expand that to some synthetic stuff called spice. Do not buy that stuff. Don’t eat it, snort it or smoke it. Spice is not anything at all like marijuana. Spice does not look or smell like pot ( to me) and it is a stupid thing to get involved with. No one knows what it is or what is in it. It will mess you up.
Okay, blah, blah, blah.
Here we are one week into May. It is time to begin this growing process. I am germinating seeds and am getting my containers and soil ready. Another grow season is upon us. Folks, I am not trying to compete with the big grow operations. I am not going to win the next CannaCup competition. However, I will have plenty of good get-high for the entire year. I do not have to go out and buy pot to smoke from a dispensary. And neither will you when you grow your own marijuana outdoors, at home. Just as the tomatoes I grow taste better than store bought ones. The pot I have grown is very satisfying. Pot plants are a thing of beauty. They smell good and they look good. When you are able to grow your own vegetables and your own marijuana medicine, you’ll be more self-sufficient. Learn to do this now, before the Denver City Council completely re-criminalizes marijuana cultivation.
Watch the TV weather forecasts. It might be getting cold these next few nights. Especially if it rains, then I will be bringing indoors all the plants that I have outside. If it is cold and soggy, our young marijuana plants will have to be protected.
About 13 or 14 years ago, the people of the state of Colorado voted in favor of initiative #20 which established the medical marijuana system of Red Cards, Grow Ops and medical marijuana dispensaries. About 1 1/2 years ago we the people of Colorado voted in favor of a Colorado State Constitutional Amendment, #64. This establishes the rights of citizens over the age of 21 to smoke pot recreationally. You may have heard, retail pot sales include a ton of taxes, hence is very expensive.
Section 3 of Amendment #64 covers “personal uses of marijuana” and states the acts that are not unlawful.
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Section 3b covers growing your pot in an enclosed, locked space of up to 6 plants per adult. You can keep what you grow on your own premises.
Section 3c allows us to give up to one ounce of pot to another adult.
Section 3d allows us to consume marijuana as long as it is not in public.
Section 3e allows us to assist (teach) other adults in growing marijuana.
You can grow your own marijuana in your own backyard. Stand up for all our rights. You can do this. Cuca Racha