Greed Everywhere

Being a good erb gardener is as much about protecting your crops as it is about knowing how to grow ’em. We certainly have bad weather events. But there is greed everywhere. We have an overabundance of thieves along the front range. We still have over zealous cops and police with quotas to fill. So, you have to understand the exact meaning of the laws in your local jurisdiction. Try to stay within them. Since there is no case-law yet, all we really have to go on is supposition. To some degree, it is a guessing game. Certainly, you have the right to grow up to 6 females outside in your own yard. They still have to be hidden away…behind locked gates. By both #20 and #64, all adult citizens of Colorado have the absolute right to g row your own 6 female plants…but where? Certainly not in an apartment complex or HUD housing unit or a VA complex. Those of us who own our own homes can certainly entertain the idea of growing our own medicine inside or outside our homes. I personally do not want to live in an agri-green-house situation. The moist soil, the fertilizers, the insecticides, etc… is not a good environment for yourself or your children. Don’t put your family into a zone of danger.  Also, the expense of growing a 6 plant crop indoors will be cost prohibitive. You really ought to grow your vegetable garden (and your pot garden) outdoors in direct sunlight. It looks like #64, sect 3e, gives me the right to both help and educate others to grow their own pot.

I occasionally encounter a noodle head who does not believe that #64 says what it says. I believe these  folks (dispensary managers) simply do not want to compete with you and me. We can grow enough medical stash that we don’t have to spend very much money at these (corporate) dispensaries. People…learn now to grow your own stash. In 5 years this may all be overturned by the Feds or this new industry may be dominated by large, corporate dispensaries who will control the costs and the qualities and your choices.

In any event, you will need to understand what it takes to grow yourself a small crop, in terms of physical space and fencing. You will need to have some experience at actually “doing the grow”.

You need to have your pot grown in full direct sunlight, yet out of sight of your neighbors. You need to put your erb garden inside a fenced area, with locks on the gates. These are, indeed, difficult cross currants to navigate. Yes we have thieves galoor roaming the front range lookin’ to steal our work. Make it difficult for anyone to creep into your space and ruin your season. Even the best laid plans of mice and men can go wrong, though, usually because of some lazy, greedy thief getting his nose into your business. Hmph.

And me being an old hippie…I don’t want to have a shoot- out in my backyard. I don’t believe that 6 or 12 or 18 plants is worth a human life either.  However, I do believe in trying to be self-sufficient. As  you learn how to grow your own vegetables and your own medicine, you become less dependent on the State or Federal Governments to survive.
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Also, we need to let the strait-cats know that the sky is not falling just because we in Colorado have de-criminalized marijuana. The more that scientists examine prescription drugs, the more we find out how harmful these pills are to our liver and kidneys. The more that scientists explore marijuana and the marvels of the THC complex, the more positive indicators are evident with marijuana being a good, organic self-help drug. There are at least four private companies making and selling cannabis lotion products. And dog-gone-it, they do work for me.

As far as the taxes we will be asked to vote on in November goes…I haven’t seen the actual bills, yet. If the state taxes the sales of pot too much…there will continue to be the back alley dealers ready to under-cut the “legal” brick-n-morter retail shops…and there goes the tax revenue. And, I don’t want that tax money going to law enforcement. Where in #64 does it imply that? With the present tax structure, the State, county and cities are making PLENTY of tax revenue. Why do they now want even more? I hope they don’t over tax the golden goose. Some of the local politicians are too needy and too greedy.

Folks, tell me what you think.


A little does a lot, a little more does not.

Okay, it is the middle of July. All of my plants have shown me their sex, and the males have been cut down and thrown into the compost pile. Some stubborn plants did not want to disclose their sex to me.  Some plants had me fooled again this year…But through the process of ‘shedding’, and the days are getting shorter…they have all now expressed what they are. Some very hybred plants don’t seem to know what they are either.

Clearly, the days are getting shorter. All my girls are beginning to show pistils. However, I want them to stay in the vegetative state, don’t want to encourage flowering, yet. We use the N-P-K fertilizer ratio to push the plants in the direction we want them to go. So, I use a diluted, high nitrogen, low phosphorus ratio fertilizer. Sometime in August, I’ll hit them with low N, high P, medium K ratio bloom booster type fertilizer. Like I’ve already said, the girls are growing in good soil…you probably don’t need any fertilizer at all. They can soak up any sugars you feed them (again, be moderate), but I mostly use N-P-K fertilizer to steer them in the direction I want them to go. I don’t want the girls to stop growing and go into a flowering stage yet.

We have been getting our usual July monsoons again, so I really haven’t had to hand water very much at all over the past 3 or 4 days. With the plants being so wet, I have to move them further apart to allow air to get in between them. I’ll be looking for any possible molds as soon as the weather clears. I don’t want the girls to be all jammed up, crowded together…and they are getting bushy and filling out. Later, in August they’ll bloom, the entire plant will expand and bush out. It is very noticable.

I have finally this year constructed a trellis or rib-cage over the plants. I can tie their arms up and out and when the hail come, I’ll be able to throw tarps over the top of this 2×4 structure.

We only have between 80 and 95 more days before harvest. The last 20 or 25 of these days will be a “no-fertilize, just flush” period.

Right now we want the girls to grow their roots completely through-out the containers. We mostly want more growth of above ground structure, as this is where our yield increases.
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I’m hoping for a long drawn-out summer and fall. Some of my sativa dominant girls could go into late October, weather permitting. Often however, I have been forced to pull a harvest in late September. You’ll have to watch your TV weather girl and use your own experience as a guide.

Now is a good time to collect up some glass jars, big ones with screw-on lids. You’ll also need brown paper lunch bags. The drive-thru hamburger joints use white paper bags and these work fine for drying your buds, too.

You should be clipping off the big outter leaves as they crap out. Also, clean out the interior of your plants a little bit so that sunlight and air can get in there.

Good seed genetics. Big containers with good soil. Lots of direct sunlight. Adequate water. Keep the thieves out of your gardens, Go easy on the fertilizers, organic or chemical.

Hey, tell me what you-all think. How is your garden growing so far. What kind of problems are you running in to. I would be happy to address the things that are troubling you and your girls.

The Basic Elements

Already, July 1st, I can tell that the days are getting shorter. I wish I could say that I know the sex of each and every plant, but I just cannot tell yet on some of my plants. The “girls-for-sure” are  potted up into big containers and are getting large. As far as fertilizer goes, the N.P.K. ratio is an inexact science but I’m using high nitrogen, very low phosphorus, and moderate potassium. I like liquid fish emulsion (brown, stinky liquid) but it is not cheap. An alternative is household ammonia. A quick two-count-pour into my fertilizer bucket is all it takes. I’ll mix it into the blue-powder “tomato-fertilizer” as I fill up that bucket with water. Usually, I keep the bucket full of water so that it has time to drive off the city water chlorine (by passive evaporative precipitation). The only thing bad about the chlorine is that it’ll kill the bugs that live in the soil, over time. It takes up to 25 hours of sitting in a gallon jug to precipitate out the chlorine.

At this point in time, I want “vegetative growth”, that is, stems and leaves. In about 5 or 6 weeks, I’ll want to encourage flower blooms. I want all of the plants’ energy going toward growing above ground structure… vegetative growth.   Anyway, I’ve been watering in the am about a gallon of water into each plants’ container. My really big plants often need at least another 1/2 gallon in the evening. So, 1 1/2 gallons on a very sunny June day.  On cloudy days, they only need  1/2 gallon each for the day. Sometimes we’ll have 2 or 3 days of cloudy weather, back to back,  and I’ll decide to water ’em very  lightly.  This forces the roots to stretch out.. to fill the entire containers.    I’m not pinching off the tips as much as I used to do in years past. But I am picking or cutting off the dead leaves. Leaves take a lot of abuse from the sun, wind, bees, etc. When a leaf is no longer viable, that is, giving more to the plant than it is taking from the plant, I cut it off. The plant will grow more new leaves. This involves “growers intuition”.  This is one place that a grower’s experience and skill-knowledge come into play.

When I finally get ’em sexed…I transplant the females into a really big container (or a big hole int he ground) for the final 3 1/2 months of its life. This year I’ve been adding a full cup of fine dolomite (calcium and magnesium) to the soil for each plant.

When  you transplant into bigger containers, first allow the soil in each smaller container to completely dry out…let it cake-up into a root-ball. You want to get all of the roots and all the soil to come out in one caked-up ball. As that root-ball dries up, it should constrict into one clump as it shrinks away from the container. As that soil dries out, it should constrict or shrink away from the sides of the container. Take your time to gently remove the root ball/soil from the smaller container. Plant it into the newer/bigger container an inch or two deeper than it was.

After you get that plant into another, bigger container, don’t give it any fertilizer for at least two days…you’ll burn those tender roots.

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Folks, you’ll want to end up with at least 1/2 lb of dry buds from each plant. Occasionally, a big Indica girl will yield up to 20 ounces of dry buds per plant. No matter if you use “organic” fertilizers (expensive) or chemical fertilizers, you should “flush your plants” prior to harvest. It has net been proven to me that organic is better than non-organic fertilizer. More important is the genetics, the good soil, and Colorado sunshine. The sunlight is free and is superior to electric lights. All you can do, ultimately, is to supply the basic elements…seeds, sunlight, adequate water, good soil. Oh yea, and privacy.

I’d like to hear from you-all, so send me a reply with your comments or questions.

P.S. If you are going to manually pollinate some of your girls…now is the time to plan it out.   Usually during the 1st  2 or 3 weeks of July, I’ll hand pollinate one branch of a female plant so that I’ll have some seeds for next year. I use a twist-tie to mark which female branch I have dumped male pollen on to. More on this, later.

P.P.S. Label your plants… and consider that Colo. has rough weather during the late summer months.   What are you going to do when it HAILS???

You Can Do This


From this



to this

nice buds

nice buds

Life in this country, in this world, is only going to get more difficult. We will have to learn to take care of our needs, ourselves. Growing corn, tomatoes, string beans or marijuana, I believe we’ll soon have to do this for our families. Learning to sew and repair our curtains and clothes…making compost soil out our lawn clippings…growing a vegetable garden, an herb garden, our own marijuana, not just as a quality of life issue but perhaps just for survival. The tomatoes you grow at home will probably taste better than the ones you buy at the supermarket. And you’ll know whats in them, as far as insecticides go.

Once you have the knowledge and several years experience, you’ll be able to grow your own get-high and your own medicine. No matter what the political environment or economic environment, you will be better able to take care of yourself. You can be more self-reliant. You can do this. This gives you something worth-wile to do on the weekends and helps you to keep your money  in your own wallet. Every time you grow your own marijuana, you take money away from the Mexican drug gangs.

By the way, Colorado Grow Ops are becoming more industrialized, more corporate, less responsive and less natural. We need to refine your marijuana growing techniques and develop a seed stash. You can do this.

It looks to me…more and more, as though the state pols have given this new industry over to corporate interests. Folks, you better get a stash of seeds of known genetics. Eventually, these corporations will have a large market share in the grow operation business. And they will control the quality and the price. No matter what the political environment or economic environment, you will be better able to take care of yourself. Also, they will have a large influence on the Colorado State pols and they will control the quality and the price.

You and your significant other can legally grow 12 female marijuana plants…it’s in the Colorado Constitutional Amendment #64. Learn now to grow your medicine. Learn to grow your future seed stock.

The most difficult thing about growing marijuana from seeds is the matter of sexing your plants.

young boy

young boy

young girl

young girl

Durban Berry Male

Durban Berry Male

Poison Durban Male

Poison Durban Male

male Hash Plant

male Hash Plant

Wheelchair Indica male

Wheelchair Indica male


ISS boy

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ISS girl

ISS girl

Heirloom Indica male

“Heirloom Indica” male

All of these pictures were taken on 6-09-13.

As the temperatures go up into the 90’s, these plants need water to stay hydrated and to be able to photosynthesize sunlight. Often during June, July and August I’ll water them early in the day and again in the evening. I am trying to learn to use less H2O, because it is the correct thing to do. Also, I want to force the plants to grow roots that will fill the containers.

As soon as they disclose their sex to me, I get rid of the males and up-pot the girls and water those girls in with a high sugar-high nitrogen solution. We want our girls to grow big and tall and do not really want them to flower-up until late August.

The most difficult thing about growing marijuana from seed is the matter of sexing them. People, after a couple years, you’ll be an expert. Don’t let this keep you from growing a small personal crop. You can do this.










Early June – Vegetative Growth

As soon as I can determine if a plant is a boy or a girl…

  1. Get rid of the males
  2. Up-Pot the girls into their final or largest potting containers
  3. Begin a high nitrogen fertilizer program

There are several companies that sell a powdered vegetable fertilizer. At this time, early June, we want vegetative growth, not blooms. So we want a high nitrogen, vegetative formula fertilizer. Somewhere on the package label will be the N-P-K ratio numbers. It is important to pay attention to these numbers. Read the label and the directions, then mix up a diluted batch in a 5 gallon container (the slop bucket). Put a big coffee cup full of sugar into this bucket. Stir it up.

(K) Potassium is good for root growth. Use low phosphorus (P). Use a high (N) nitrogen and add a little ammonia or fish emulsion and sugar to the fertilizer bucket.

As soon as you figure out which plants are female, you should put each girl into a big hole in the ground or large container. Mix a cup of fine dolomite into the backfill soil. We do not want our plants to bloom at this time, so no phosphates. We do want our girls to grow into large tall bushes. Pinch off the terminal bud to encourage it to bush out. Use clean, sharp scissors to clip off any leaves that are played out or yellow. When you take these plants out of the dark shed, they will have a sunlight starved lime-green look. This is normal. Only cut off the big outer leaves if they are old or damaged. These big outer leaves take a beating and do not last more than a month or two. Keep checking to make sure your girls are, indeed, girls. Make sure your male plants actually are males before you cut them down and put them into your compost pile. We want our girls to bloom and flower up for 6 weeks in September and October. Right now (and all summer) we want the girls to be in a “vegetative state”; growing wide and tall with lots of branches (limbs and twigs). When you water them into the final (large) growing space…really water them in heavily and add more soil to top off the container. Get out your calendar and establish a fertilizer schedule. More fertilizer isn’t necessarily better for these plants. Like I’ve already said…the most important factor is the seed’s genetics. Then it’s up to the plants’ environment…the soil, amount of  direct sunlight, adequate water.

At least 5 or 6 hours of direct light per day. Ten to 12 hours of sunlight is better.

Use good soil. Make your own compost. The soil probably has plenty of good things in it. You’ll only need to add a little fertilizer, occasionally. No matter how big or small your plants are, they will go into flower-bloom stage pretty much on their own as the days get shorter.  However, I can’t wait until mid or late August to know there sex.

June 21st or so is the longest day of the year. From then on, the (photo period) days get shorter. By late August the plants are old enough to go into bloom. By late August -early September, the length of the days shortens causing these marijuana plants to go into a sexual frenzy; they want to get pollinated. By late August I’ll be using a one-time application of bone meal or super phosphates…this’ll kick the girls into gear. As the plants do go into the “flower stage”, I’ll quit using any nitrogen and instead us a high (P) phosphorus diet. It seems as though (K) potassium is good for root growth, and that is good any time. As for now, any of the commercial tomato fertilizers will work just fine. The high nitrogen percentage helps grow the above-ground vegetation that we want.

It can be caused by various diseases, injuries order cheap viagra or other factors. It stays effective for 48 hours, allowing you to sale viagra have sexual intercourse repeatedly throughout the weekend. Some are even restricted from intercourse after cardiac sildenafil no prescription surgery. Many talented musicians and performers such as Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Whitney cialis pills free Houston and Amy Winehouse lost their lives to drug overdose. For this season, certainly by next season, you will want a rib-cage structure over your crop. You’ll be able to tie up plants to it for support. You’ll be able to throw a tarp over the top of this rib-cage to prevent hail damage. Two people can tug a plastic tarp over this structure and then tie it down. This will protect your tomatoes and marijuana from hail, heavy winds or strong rain downpours. You may only need it to be in place for 2 hours or even, maybe 20 minutes. It’ll save you the heart break of seeing your plants stripped or knocked down.

Down here in the flat-lands (Colorado Front Range) our actual growing season is barely long enough. It would be nice if we could safely have all of September and October. Time marches on as the season is changing because these days will soon be getting shorter. A wooden or aluminum structure would be nice to have over the top of your tops.

Up in the foothills and high mountain valleys it would be great to have a way of shielding your plants from the weather as well as the cold night time temperatures. Wether you are in South Park, the Arkansas River Valley or the San Luis Valley, you’ll have to figure out some ways to grow your plants in May, June, July, August, September AND into October. A rudimentary knowledge of solar science will help you to trap heat into your grow space at night.

The indica plants grow at a high elevation in Northern India, Northern Pakistan and Northern Afghanistan. “Ghanys and Kush plants should go through their life cycle in 5 1/2 months, with a little help from you. Sativas generally are grown at almost sea level, in tropic zones. Indicas have been living at 8000ft to 10,000 feet for thousands of years. Don’t fight it.

As you learn about growing marijuana you’ll have to also learn about your local weather and also learn about how to build big cold frames. The more you know…the  more you know that you don’t know enough.

Folks, give me your opinion. Use the reply button to tell me what you know or what you don’t know.

P.S. It’s early June…not too late to get started with your own garden.

I am now watering each plant everyday. Lots of water till it drains out the bottom of the container. Then I backfill some compost-soil to the top of the container. We are seeing a lot of above ground growth, but we’re trying to grow a container full of roots. As soon as these plants disclose their sex to us…up-pot ’em into their final grow environment. Go moderately heavy with nitrogen (N) and potassium (K), use as little (P) phosphorus as possible.

Let me hear from you on how it is going. Is there something that is not going as well as you expected or planed? A persistent problem? Or just that your garden is growing and doing well, I would like to hear what you are running into.

My sense is

I hope you have already begun your seasonal pot germination operations. Mine are between 4 inches and knee high. I like to pinch the new growth tip after the 4th set of real leaves is out. This is to encourage that plant to bush up. As the seed grown plant kicks out its’ 6th or 7th true leaves it’ll be ready for a program of light deprivation. As they approach being knee high it’s time to “sex them”. I put my biggest plants into either the dark shed or the dark garage. I work it out so that these plants get 18 or 19 hours of darkness and 5 or 6 hours of daylight. I put them into the shed at 3 or 4 in the afternoon; then I take them out at 9am and put them into the sunlight. I’ve been watering the containers thoroughly every other day. I have a slop bucket (a fertilizer mix bucket) in which I already have poured in beer, Pepsi and sugar and small thimble full of amonia. Soon I’ll be using a commercial fertilizer once a week, too.

As the new germinates get taller, I’ve up-potted them into a larger container, one in which I can grow the plant throughout the sexing stage. Usually this means using a #5 nursery container. I put about 2 inches of (last year’s) dry leaves in the bottom to cover the drain holes.

I use a soil mixture of:

  1. last year’s soil minus the stems and roots
  2. some store bought bags of soil
  3. a cube of store bought peat moss
  4. homemade compost

I like all of the mealy bugs and worms in the compost, so I still try to evaporate out the chlorine that the city puts in our water. After all the plants are “sexed”, then I’ll up-pot them (the girls) into either a very large container or into the ground. At that point I’ll add a cup of fine dolomite dust and mix it in thoroughly. Plant them deep…up to the cotyledon. There’s not a whole lot you can do other than keep your plants watered and in at least 5 to 6 hours of direct sunlight every day, the more sunlight the better. I like to water each plants’ container completely…and then let it dry-out. I want to use less water (than in the past) so I’ll force the roots to grow deep because for the time being, I’m only going to water every other day. If you can drive the chlorine out of your water containers or holding tanks as you oxygenate that water, you’ll be way ahead. A fish-tank oxygenator works well.

Now, I want to mention what some of your biggest dangers are…

  1. squirrels
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  3. thieves
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As far as the weather goes…a rudimentary structure or clothes line with tarps  hung  over any kind of a temporary tent like structure can help prevent damage from high winds, strong rainfall or hail. Some companies make and sell aluminum structures in which to park a pick-up truck or boat. These small quonset huts work effectively to prevent hail or weather damage. Two people can quickly throw a tarp up over the structure and save your crop.

One minor point: my sense is that marijuana plants don’t like to touch a wall or another plants’ leaves, so give them a lot of room.

Also, mix your fertilizer in a 5 gallon bucket, on the day you use it. I have a plastic 5 gallon bucket that I use for any leftover beer or soda pop (with sugar-no diet). On fertilizer day I use that “slop bucket” in which to mix my brew. There are 4 or 5 companies that make and sell tomato-vegetable garden powdered fertilizer. At this time, a high nitrogen fertilizer is what we need, since our plants are in vegetative stage, above ground growth of stems, limbs and leaves.

The 1st stage is germination and roots. Now we are into the 2nd stage…vegetation. Sure, the plants are growing deeper roots now, but it is the bushy, above ground plant growth that we want to encourage now.

As of now (the end of May), none of my plants is sexed. I hope that two weeks from now, I’ll be able to positively identify the males, so I can throw them away. As soon as I can get the number of plants down to just 12 females, the better.

There still are some noodle-heads out here who believe that it is illegal to grow pot outdoors. When the good people of Colorado voted in #20, the “medical marijuana” code, Article 43.3 of Title 12 of the CRS went into effect on July, 1, 2010. And now that we have voted in Amendment #64, we are legally allowed to grow 6 plants per adult, outside. You need to heed the “Plain View Doctrine”. You need to grow in a fenced yard with gates locked. Personal growing and use under #64 are detailed in sections 3(b), 3(c) and 3(d). Section 3(e) gives us the right to assist another adult to grow a crop. This “don’t grow it in Plain View Doctrine is a hassle but is do-able. #64, section 2(o) says that all of this “shall not be unreasonable impracticable or prohibitive”. My sense is that, legally, all Colorado adults are able to grow 6 female pot plants outdoors, somewhere in Colorado. My sense is that the state government is trying to micro-manage what I do with my vegetable garden. My sense is that over the next 12 or 13 years, most of Europe will have legalized marijuana use and cultivation and most of North America and Central America will have legal use, too. I believe that use of marijuana is of a medical nature. We all must learn to do more with less…grow our own foods and medicines. I’ve seen what pharmaceuticals drugs do to people. My sense is that organically grown, home grown marijuana is safer than pills or patches from big pharma corporations.

Germinating in early May

Now that it is the end of April, is it time to begin germinating seeds? If you have a basement or spare room…if you have a table with lights suspended over it…Yes. Use shop lights, the ones with two four foot long tubes in ’em. As soon as a pot-seed germinates, it can use the light. I grow totally outdoors, so I have to wait until the weather permits.IMG_2557

This year, becuse I’ve been germinating seeds early so that I could take pictures of them to show to you…I’ve been taking the pots out in the am, bringing them in in the evening. We now are looking at at least 2 days and three nights that these young seedlings will have to be indoors because of the weather. That is not good. But I do what I have to do.

The trouble with seeds is that it takes so long to figure out what sex they are after they germinate. The trouble with clones is that the dispensaries use the wrong light cycle. Clones that are grown with 18 hours of light will flower as soon as you put them outside. A 2 foot tall clone that blooms right away is useless to me. It’s May. There’s just over 12 hours of light in a day. It is by using the light cycle as well as using certain fertilizers that we encourage the plants to bloom.

Another thing I noticed with some clones is that some have an embolism; an air bubble…probably in the stem. The embolism won’t kill the plant but it does severally impede the growth of it. Also, clones do not have a tap root and so, don’t have the vibrancy of a seedling. Also, when you buy a clone with the light cycle it has been grown in, you are supposed to take it home, grow it inside, force it to bloom within a month. Get it in…get it out. That’s not how I do things.

The weather in Colorado has always been a difficult challenge to deal with. Our front range weather continues to be a difficult struggle. Over the past 30 years, I’ve seen bad hail storms through-out March into October. Hmm, that’s not a convenient thing for us out-doorsey types.

No matter what, if you put seed germinates or clones on a window sill behind a pane of glass, your plant will get tall and spindley,IMG_2582 and will fall over as it grows toward the window, typically in an “s” curve. IMG_2607Sometimes they fall over and the stem gets crimped. More often than not… that plant won’t survive.

There are several ways to germinate a seed. IMG_2572One way is to put a seed half an inch down in the mud, right where you want it to grow. It may or may not germinate. It may or may not be a female.

Another way is to put seeds, spaced apart a couple inches, between damp paper towels. As soon as these germinate be ready to transplant them and be gentle with them. Another method is using Angel Hair soil in peat pots.IMG_2563 Keep them moist. This works fine.

Another way is the “expanding pellets” method. IMG_2580One company sells these expand-pellets that is mostly a sawdust type material…seems to work okay. Another company sells pellets that plump up into a peat moss filled barrel. I like these, but I take the netting off before I plant the entire barrel. IMG_2581Sometimes the roots or even the cotglydn can get stuck in the netting.
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Now we get into “the plastics”. This type becomes a humidity chamber, which is good. With this setup, I use germinating soil and poke a single seed 1/2 inch down into each depression.Within two days of germination, I gently scoop out the new seedling and put it into a large container. IMG_2576Sometimes I get a mold growth in these, which I scoop out and throw away.

I can let these seedlings stay put and grow in these larger, plastic pots.IMG_2570IMG_2583 I could just simply put a single seed into a large plastic bucket…an actual grow container, but it takes up a lot of space and uses up a lot of soil/angel hair and each pot will weigh a lot. If we continue to have cold nights, I still have to bring ’em all in at sundown and schlep ’em all out into the morning sunlight. It depends on how cold it is going to get.

Too much rain can wash the young plants out of the containers…not enough root structure to with stand even an all day drizzle.

Night time low temps have been above 38˚ for almost a week, but the weather gal says that it’ll be getting cold for 2 or 3 days and nights. I sure do want to get moving forward on this season’s crop. But I’ve learned to respect the crazy Colorado weather. Watch the tv weather and figure out which tv station is consistently close the the reality in your neighborhood.

Those of you who have already started germinating seeds and are up-potting your youngsters into a larger “sexing container” might have to bring all your plants in for 3 nights and two days. It can still get very cold at night here on the front range, all the way into early June.

In the foothills, as on the Front Range, to expand your outdoor growing season, you’ll probably have to construct a framework, a ribcage over which to drape clear plastic or tarps. That will help hold in the warmth, kinda like a cold-frame.

A wood frame trellis can be useful in extending the growing season on both ends. May, June as well as late September and October. Even an aluminum rib-cage can be used to throw tarps up and over. A hailstorm can last from 20 minutes to 4 hours and then it clears out and we have a sunny evening. In 20 minutes a heavy rain or a hail storm can strip your plants. It would take only 2 or 3 people to quickly pull that cover over the top of the rib-cage, secure it, tie it down and save your plants.


Bullet Box or Ballot Box?

Hey people. What the heck is going on here?? For cryin’ out loud, smoke a big fatty and calm down. Jeesh!

If you want to change things in this society, WRITE a book and layout your IDEAS. Write articles or post a blog or write to your newspaper Op-Ed section. Put your ideas into the court of public opinion. This business of using guns, knives, bombs, etc…is the wrong way to go. You should create an intelligent dialog of IDEAS. That is how you change the direction of “society” long term.

If you are angry…smoke a joint. If you are stressed out…smoke a joint. Don’t lash out at, basically, innocent people.

I thought pot laws would have changed in the 1970’s. I was wrong. But hundreds of thousands of like-minded people, like me, got out there trying to educate the general populace. We got “pot” onto the ballots. Finally we got a vote on the issue. Yes, it has taken 30-40 years longer than,  perhaps it should have…but change happened because we VOTED.
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Voting is a much less dramatic, less violent way to change things. Nobody died or lost their legs, etc. thru this method of doing things. Have some respect for the general public…people you don’t even know… I’m tempted to say that this violence is NOT the hippy way. You chuckle, but all of this violence  IS  NOT the civilized way to do things. Mr. Gandhi would not approve.

If you believe you gotta change “things” in this world…use your brains…write a book to discuss your argument. Open debate is allowed in most countries. You have basically two choices…the bullet box or ballot box. Which do you choose!?

In a democracy, we get to vote. Are you an uncivilized barbarian? Or are you an adult living in a civilized world? It all starts with you and you and you and me. Bullet Box or Ballot Box?


If I weren’t taking pictures to use in these articles, I wouldn’t have germinated any seeds yet. Here in the Denver Metro area, we usually wait until mid May to get serious about outdoor gardening. At least wait until after the 420 celebration (April 20th).

As far as my seedlings are concerned, the weather is killing me. Too cold at night to leave them outside, and it is so cold the labels fall off. Also, the squirrels are killing me. Writing these articles is killing me because of the self-introspection as well as the constant analysis of my growing methods.

But there is life, too. Needing a fix of the rocking blues, I went to Littleton last night to see my friend Jimmy Thackery play guitar. JT and the Drivers played from 9:30 until almost 12:30, straight through. It was a treat. It was inspiring. The man knows how to use his guitar, his pedals, his speakers. No one is better

Now, back to business. This year it is those damn squirrels giving me constant trouble. They nibble and graze on the young seedlings, which kills them. Or they dig into the containers, thus disrupting the delicate seedlings’ roots. When I can, I’ll gently re-plant the seedlings and put them into partial dappled sunlight. Sometimes this works. So far this year, the squirrels are ripping things up bad.

If you have a basement or a spare room, leave your seedlings indoors, under lights rather then lugging all those plants out in the morning and hauling them back indoors in the evening. However, direct sunlight is just what the seedlings need…not sitting on a window sill behind a pane of glass. Glass filters out parts of the light spectrum. Your plants will grow tall and spindly. Not good. Especially when direct sunlight is superior and free.

The weather on the front range can be difficult to deal with. As a grower, you’lI have to learn to deal in an intelligent way with these challenges. Sometimes you take your losses. Sometimes you repair what you can., along with, viagra mastercard will feature extensive video, audio and editorial coverage of the 2011 NASCAR season, as well as providing multiple ESPN Fantasy games and content distributed to other emerging platforms such as Apple’s iTunes Store and Microsoft’s X Box Live. It generic uk viagra is probable to happen that its practice may bring various kinds of sensation like blurry vision & giddiness. Sildenafil medications kamagra have been formulated lowest viagra price with special ingredients that help enhancing male potency in just a few minutes of completion of the process, heavy blood rushes into the reproductive system getting male order harder enough for penetration and being able to erect during the physical intimacy and normalizing the sexual health. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) represents a range levitra uk of disorders and diseases. IMG_2174

IMG_2185In the end, you’ll end up with buds like these by late September and Early October and you”ll be smiling.

The warm sunny days of April still have COLD nights. Either don’t start germinating seeds yet, or have a plan for these cold nights. It may seem like a good idea to start germinating seeds now, but don’t burn through your seed stock…as the weather may not cooperate with your impatience.

If you start germinating seeds during the second week of May, you can probably leave your plants outside at night from Mid May on. They’ll still be large (full grown) by mid September.

Now that it is legal to grow your own medicines…your only problem is in doing battle with the squirrels.


Be Careful, Be Cool, Don’t Forget the Plain View Rule

You have every right to grow a half dozen female marijuana plants outdoors in your own yard…out of plain view (the plain view rule). Hmm…There is no Case Law on this subject, yet. As long as an ordinary person, in an ordinary pursuit cannot see your girls,  you should be alright. Your backyard, or at least your erb garden, should be “Hidden” behind a fence that is locked. This is only somewhat problematic. In Denver County, this jurisdiction allows 2 adults per property to each grow 6 plants…no more than 12. You can grow 12 big plants in 430sq. ft. to 600sq. ft. of space.

I like big hay-bale sized cubes of Peat Moss to mix into my compost that I will mix with last year’s soil. In a month or two from now, when I’m up-potting all the females into the biggest containers I can find…I’ll mix in a cup of fine Dolomite dust into each container. I’m using as big a container as I can find. I can’t bring myself to dig holes or to dig a trench in my backyard, so I’m still using large containers full of soil.

My soil blend is: 1) last years soil minus the stalks and roots, 2) as much compost as I have made over the year, 3) a few bags of mid-priced store-bought soil. When full of soil these containers weigh a lot, so they’re not very mobile, but I can shove them around a bit. A plant grown in a 20 inch tall container should only be allowed to grow 4 1/2 feet tall…the neighbors, you know. The Plain View Doctrine. Plants grown in the ground can get up to 6 feet tall before being clipped, but you should probably clip off the branches from the bottom one foot of the plants to prevent powdery mildew.      

If you can…put up a wooden skeletal structure under which to grow your backyards’ plants. You’ll be able to tie some limbs up and you’ll be able to throw a tarp over the top to keep out the hail. Hailstones and hard rain can strip your plants…and it often happens in September when you really don’t have the option of starting over (until next season). Putting up a wood or aluminum structure can cost quite a lot of money. I’m so broke and cheap that so far I haven’t put up a trellis structure. But after these past two years of bad weather in September and October, and having lost 20% of my yield two season’s ago and at least 25% of my yield last season. I’ve gotta do something. It is too depressing to see most of my crop laying in the mud. Big buds hold water and get heavy. In high winds with only moderate rainfall, the limbs get to flapping around and quickly break off from the stem. Even if they are laying in the mud on the ground in a puddle of water, you can probably use that to make keif. Even, or especially, if that limb had another 2-3 weeks to go before harvest, you can probably make keif out of it after you’ve rinsed it off and dried it out.

Anyway, the fools on the the hill might force us to grow outdoors in a cage. I’ve always wanted to put  up an outdoor greenhouse like structure, but I don’t want to be forced to do it. It messes up my thin finances.

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Amendment #64, section 3(e) gives me the right to help other adults to grow their own medicine.

Amendment #64, section 3(b) allows us ” to grow no more than 6 marijuana plants…”blah, blah, blah,” provided that the growing takes place in an enclosed, locked space, is not conducted openly or publicly, and is not made available for sale”. This is the “Don’t grow it in Plain View Doctrine”.

One last thought…wouldn’t the sight of a new (to the neighborhood) tall trellis structure be an attractive nuisance?  Let’s see what the pols at the Colorado Statehouse tell us to do.   Will they be coming after my tomatoes next??


Now that it’s almost time to get your seeds out…

Generally speaking, it is still too early to plant your outdoor gardens. Too early for vegetables or marijuana. In Denver, it is usually Mother’s Day before it is safe to plant outside. I too am anxious to get going. Watch the night-time low temps. When they stay above 38˚ it will be time to get the garden plans moving. I have seen Denver weather act as a spoiler, many times in the past: snow or hail into June: high winds and heavy downpours of rain at any time, in any month. The weather can always be difficult, here on the Front Range.

Are you going with peat pots or plastic containers? Peat pots you’ll plant straight into the ground or into an intermediate (sexing) container. With plastic, you’ll have to use a spoon to carefully dig out all of the young germinant (tap root too) within about 2 days after germination, very gently. Label everything…be careful to correctly label, with name and date, all your containers. It only takes between 4 days and, oh, two weeks for a viable seed to pop. You’ll have to figure on trying to germinate 30 seeds to be sure to end up with 10 to 12 girls. You could easily get 18 boys out of 30 germinated seeds. With older seeds, many just won’t pop (germinate). Putting ’em in the refridgerator, using willow bark dust, soaking seeds in hydrogen peroxide…I simply put a pot seed in the mud and keep it moist. I recommend filling peat pots with store bought seed germinating soil. Label your results. Fresh seeds from last season’s crop (late September – mid October) are now 5 1/2 to 6 1/2 monts old. Even with these “fresh seeds” you won’t achieve 100% germination…probably a 90 to 95% rate. Lets say you do get 95% of your seeds that pop (out of 100) of those, you can reasonably expect, maybe, 38 to 45 females. With older seeds, expect a lower germination rate. Also, with older seeds, it seems to me that I have more males…a higher ratio of males to females. I have no data on this, it just seems this way to me.

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Clones don’t have as much energy or vibrancy as a seedling. Clones do not have a tap root, only horizontal roots. I only like clones for their genetics. I always end up with seed grown males (I know their genetics because I’ve labeled everything). I can pick out a good looking male and use that plant to pollinate a clone-girl. I discuss this in my book. It is easy to grow a totally sensi crop by eliminating ALL of the males. However, I like to pollinate one branch of one or two females. This ensures me a bunch of seeds for next season.

Even with very old seeds, if you can get 10 or 15% to germinate, you’ll have “saved” that species. Those genetics will be intact, if you can get even one seed to pop, either a boy or a girl plant, through plant husbandry. So, three years from now, 15 years from now, you’ll be glad you put a good label to everything. Again, use a very light and airy rooting soil to germinate seeds in. If you are using those small plastic germinating flats…you will have to remove those young-uns soon after they pop. If you use peat pots, you can grow the seedling in them for, maybe 15 days before you have to up-pot those plants. I wish I could eliminate this next step…but I’ll have to up-pot these seedlings into a medium size container to allow it to grow up. I gotta sex ’em. This is not as much fun as it sounds.


Thank you one and all. I appreciate all of the feedback from  you all. The socio-political rant about the repub’s being the biggest obstacle to progress brought the most (favorable) comments. Now that “marijuana is legal” it is not enough to just sit back and medicate. We need to monitor how our city council people are voting. We need to monitor how our Colorado State Legislators vote on these important marijuana issues…and make our wishes known to those people. These pols supposedly represent us…so let them know what we think on these important issues. Understand this: the Federal Government can over-ride our state’s legalization law. Amendment 64 could be ruled unconstitutional by the Feds and their Supreme Court. Colorado’s new law (#64) could get knocked down by the Feds. Also, this new law could be spoiled by our own state legislators. Some of the State Task Force’s recommendations are too restrictive. We’ll have to wait and watch.

You know what else? The government, the politicians cannot take your knowledge away from you. After you learn how to grow your own sensi-medication…you’ll always have that knowledge and experience as an option to fall back on.

As I write this, it is the end of March. To my way of thinking, it is still too early to begin actual operations. Feb, March and April are the months during which you should be preparing, planning. If you have a basement or an indoor room, you certainly can start germinating seeds or buying clones and growing these youngsters indoors, under lights. The advantage being that you’ll have your plants in vegetative state longer. So they’ll have the potential of being bigger plants by late August when they will go into “bloom”. They will automatically go into bloom when the genetics feel it is time to bloom, based on the sunlight (photo-period).
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I’ll wait until the night-time low temps are consistently above 39˚. An adult pot plant can withstand, briefly, temps of 30˚ or even 28˚F. However, young germinants are too delicate for any temps below 39˚ or40˚. I think you can begin germinating seeds anytime from April 1st thru the 1st week of June. Like tomatoes, marijuana needs a warm soil temperature, between 65˚ and 75˚.  You’re only growing that plant to 5 ft or so. Even if you wait till late May, early June, you’ll still have plenty of time for vegetative, bushy plants to grow. The problem, as always, is “sexing” your plants so that you can get down to just females.

Growing young seedlings in a window will give you tall, spindly germinants that will fall over. Without direct sunlight or really good lights, you’ll have young plants that will grow in an “S” curve toward the glass windows. This is not good. When I germinate seeds, I like ’em to be outdoors in direct sunlight. After about two weeks the plants are only about 4-5 inches tall, and the roots are 5 or 6 inches long and are healthy and ready to rock-n-roll. Like Guns and Roses said, “all we need is a little patience”.

No majority rule here

The republicans are water-boarding your country…on a Federal and on a State level. The minority political party is holding your country hostage by obstruction. Cheat and bleat. Lie and deny is how those spoiled rat children (republicans) govern. This minority of politicians has thrown you and me under the bus…on both a national and local level.

We have voted as a state (amendment 64) by a wide margin to LEGALIZE the use of marijuana. The people of this state of Colorado have voted. Now the conservatives in this state are trying to gut the new constitutional provisions. Proscar is a brand marketed for the treatment of benign prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). prescription cialis usa I left high school thinking I was cool purchase levitra and sophisticated. In most situations Apcalis 20mg is recommended based on tadalafil without prescriptions your wellness in addition to sexual performance. cipla levitra Why NAET and not just Traditional Chinese Medicine? NAET is based of off multiple different modalities including Traditional Chinese Medicine. They don’t believe that marijuana is a good thing. They do not believe that the people are smart enough to govern themselves. Folks, make your wishes known to your local representatives about this marijuana issue. We have come a long way…don’t allow the forces of darkness to un-do all of our hardwork. Grow a crop, if for no other reason than because it is LEGAL now. Put a dagger into the heart of Nixon’s failed war against us people that smoke pot.

Failed Drug War

End Nixon’s failed war against people who smoke pot. Plant 6 plants. Grow your own in the comfort of your own home, in your own backyard. Drive a stake thru the heart of this countries misbegotten war on people like us. You can do this.

You want to know how to do this? Buy my 48  page book, “Growing Marijuana Outdoors in Colorado”

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Full sun all day long

The short low down on how to grow marijuana in your back yard.

Simply this…Find an area on your property that is secluded, yet receives full sun all day long. Dig a round hole two feet deep and 3 or 4 foot in diameter. Remove the crap soil and all the clay from this hole and throw it away. Fill said hole with good, store bought planting soil. Don’t buy the most expensive or the least expensive. A mid-grade, inexpensive bag of garden soil will be fine. Plant in the center of this hole a clone or a germinated pot seed. As the plant takes root and grows, keep it watered. Make sure (May, June and early July) that it is a female. Do nothing else but water everyday. By late September or early October you’ll have a large plant with lots of flower buds on it. Before the first damaging overnight frost (27˚-28˚), cut the plant down, bring the plant into a dry, dark room to dry. Hang it upside down and keep that room warm (above 45˚) , dry and dark.
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That’s it…your first year’s crop will probably be a joyous thing. Next year it’ll get better, as you will have learned so much. Next year read up on pruning, trimming, fertilizers and how to make your own compost. As you learn more about how the sunlight affects the female, and as you learn about how chemicals affect these girls…the better your next outdoor crop will be.

It’s too damn hard to do

Well, yes, growing marijuana indoors is difficult, expensive and has a steep learning curve. The theory is that if you grow indoors, you can control every aspect of your operation. It’s too damn hard to do…Well, you’re going to be wearing a lot of hats: carpenter, electrician, janitor, supplier of lots of money. Plus, you won’t want to live in or next to your grow room. What with the insecticides, fertilizers,, you shouldn’t have your children in or near the facility either. Plus, you’ll be more of a janitor every day, than a farmer. Lots of effort for 6 plants.

Growing 6 plants outdoors is not cost prohibitive and will be a joy all year as you toke up on your own homegrown. After a couple seasons, you,ll be able to move on to a more serious, sophisticated and costly operation. But first, you need to learn what the marijuana female is going through and how the natural sun affects this plant. You can do this.
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You can grow some darned good medical quality erb… at home… enough to keep yourself happy all year.

First things first

First things first. In this book, I describe a simple, inexpensive method of growing erb. You need to learn the fundamental basis of how to grow good marijuana and why sensi is the way to go. You only need to grow 6 big, strong plants to keep yourself medicated for the year. An outdoor garden between April and October is not that difficult, or expensive to do. An indoor grow is expensive and complicated; something to work up to. You might as well learn the basics now. An understanding of the female marijuana plant is a must.

Under Colorado Constitutional Amendment (#64), we are allowed to grow up to 6 plants for each adult who lives on the premises under Amendment 64, Sections 3(b), 3(c) and3(d). You also have to consider your local ordinances. In Denver, it’s a total of twelve. How this number squares itself to #64, sections 3(e) and 4(f), we have yet to find out. 3(e) enables us to help others to grow their garden.

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