Marijuana should be grown outside in full sunlight. Pot has been grown outdoors for many thousands of years with only a few problems. When growing pot outdoors you grow your future stash outdoors, it does not blind your neighbors eyes or poison their children. Marijuana is a quasi-legal crop in Colorado and the strait folk need to grow up and shut up.
Since we can only grow 6 plants each adult, legally, you’ll find that you CANNOT possibly grow an economical crop at home, indoors.
Growing indoors is not easy, inexpensive or eco-friendly. Also, problems are blooming in the indoor grow factories in the form of bugs, mold and mildew. Although mites do not eat much they poop out toxic bad stuff. You do not want to ingest bug poop, or molds or powdery mildew…don’t eat or smoke it. This hasn’t happened to me because I Grow Outdoors. In the real wind, real rain and REAL SUNLIGHT.
Many Colorado Pot factories are having problems with mites, molds and mildew. If you smoke or eat a pot-bud that has powdery mildew on it, you will get very ill. It’ll clog up your lungs. P.M. will mes you up bad.
Growing pot outdoors my whole life, I have only very rarely had any problem with P.M. and you don’t have walls on which black mold will grow. But if and when you do find any white powdery mildew on a plant, it’ll be on, usually the lowest branch near the ground. Carefully take that entire branch off the plant at the stem. Get that out of you garden area right away, don’t spread it through out your garden. I’ve seen P.M. on the lilacs and on other front yard shrubs. I don’t brush up against them; I do not want it to get on my pants or let it spread to the garden area… the tomatoes or the pot. When you see it any where, get it thrown out into a garbage can with a lid, and not into your compost pile.
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Contrary to industry factory gospel, pot plants like temperature changes. Pot likes ever changing day lengths and pot likes/needs the actual real sunlight that our earth receives. The best and least expensive way to grow pot is to grow pot outdoors.
If growing plants indoors was such a good idea, why doesn’t R.J. Reynolds grow all of its’ tobacco inside a factory? How come they are allowed to grow thousands of acres of their truly poisonous tobacco outdoors? How come tobacco is subsidized by those southeastern states? Tobacco should be a schedule 1 drug on the Federal Controlled Substances list, not marijuana. Marijuana really ought to be de-scheduled off that list altogether. Marijuana is closer to a caffeine. Tobacco is very similar to heroin. Deal with that, strait folk!
Tobacco directly kills thousands of people every month. So what gives? If you smoke pot…stop smoking tobacco also.Why are the up-tight strait folk still trying to demonize pot and pot users? Why are so many city councils in Colorado trying to re-criminalize pot? Why do these elected officials refuse to allow their own constituents from growing inexpensive medicine for their own pain relief?
We need to keep voting. Out with old, in with the more enlightened.