“Weak and Feckless” Oct. 12th, 2016
This just in: the Indiana governor’s performance at last nights debate was Weak and Feckless. He lied constantly and would not, could not defend his blond haired buddy from serious charges. Folks, a vote for any republikans is a wasted vote, a vote against your own best interests.
Here in Colorado, repubs and conservatives are so mad about Pot becoming “legal” that they are floating Amendment #71, the “Raise the Bar” amendment. If #71 passes, it will be very difficult to ever get another amendment put on the ballot. If this bad plan had been in place during the past 10 years or so… we would not today have legal Medical pot or certainly we would not have Recreational pot in Colorado. The standards that this #71 Raise the Bar amendment would put in place would be nearly impossible to meet. The bar doesn’t have to be raised, it is plenty difficult enough to get the petitions signed as it is. Just to get an idea put on the ballot to be voted on, you will have to go to EVERY county in Colorado and get at least 2 % of those people to sign it. I’ll say it again… under #71, we would not have gotten any kind of legal pot. So please, do not vote in favor of the “Raise the Bar”, #71 amendment.
In a couple of years, we’ll need to further amend the Colorado Constitution to allow us to grow our own HomeStash outdoors in our own backyards next to the tomatoes, corn and peppers. So far we only have half a loaf. But at least it is the big half. We still need to be allowed to grow our own HomeStash outdoors. And we have to allowed to smoke pot with our friends…somewhere. When we finally are allowed to grow our own marijuana in our own backyards, in the Sunlight… then we will have completed our journey towards being truely free and legal in terms of our Medical Marijuana. I think that we need to get these unhealthy pot grows out of our homes and into the sunny back yard. We can grow most of our marijuana medicine at home.
Almost Harvest Time.
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As for your currant pot garden, let ’em keep on growing. Your plants should be well into advanced budding. Use only clean fresh water on your girls and leave them in the strong October Colorado sunlight. You’ll be checking out the flower buds’ pistills. As they die off they’ll be turning colors drying out and getting crinckly. When the bud is no longer growing new white pistills, that bud or that branch-full of flower buds is just about ready to be clipped off that plant. If there are no new pistills growing on the bud and the pistills are worn out and turning colors such as brown, red or orange, then that flower bud is no longer viable in terms of getting pregnant. Clip it off the plant so as to let the rest of the plants’ flower buds grow. Bring that bud into your trim area, trim it to your like-ing and put it into a paper bag to dry. Dry it in a paper bag and later cure it in a glass jar.
The weather on our Front Range looks to be warm and sunny for the next week or more. This is good pot-growing weather, here in Colorado. Our pot plants can withstand a brief nite-time low temperature of 28 or 29 degrees if they are dry. If it has been raining and the plants are wet… anything under 33 degrees is problematic.
So, let your outdoor HomeStash plants grow, plumping and swelling and getting frosty.
There are a lot of Amendments and Propositions to vote on this November. Put out the effort and read all the verbage on the ballot and try not to get tricked into voting the wrong way. The weak and feckless repubs are (on this one issue) strongly against pot. The namby pamby Dems are only luke warm in favor of marijuana. But we must get out the vote and keep on moving foreward. No on #71.